Applying Concealer This Spring Can Give You A New Look
Now that it’s warming up a bit and the snow and ice is melting away, it’s a good time to clean out your makeup bag and focus on refreshing your look (and your beauty arsenal) with some essential make up tools that really matter. There’s a ton of different products out there for eyes, lips, and skin, and it can be almost overwhelming to choose the colors that are right for you. When it comes down to it, the simple basics are what really bring fresh youthfulness to your look, which is exactly what spring makeup is all about.
Spring is the time to throw out those old make up bottles and makeover your beauty routine with a few quality basics. These three essentials will brighten up your look this spring and give your beauty a boost!
1. Secret Weapon Concealer: Even the most perfect skin can use a little pick-me-up from time to time, and knowing the best way of applying concealer is one of the best kept beauty secrets. Just a few dots of a good, quality concealer hides any sort of imperfections and really does make a difference in creating a beautiful complexion. I recommend Amazing Concealer, which is the best coverage concealer in my opinion! It comes in a great little travel size tube and is the perfect size to slip into a makeup bag or in a purse when I’m on the go. Because it is ultra-pigmented, just a little bit of this stuff goes a long way! It’s also waterproof and moisturizing, so it will never dry out skin or get cakey. It’s true that nothing can compare to getting your beauty rest, drinking lots of water, and eating your fruits and veggies, but this stuff makes it look like you’ve gotten a full 8-10 hours of sleep in a matter of seconds! Glamour magazine even pointed it out as a top-notch makeup tool and I don’t go anywhere without it.
How to rock it:
After putting on your moisturizer, think strategy. Just a few well-placed dots in the trouble spots will really make a difference in your complexion. Around the eye area, a few dots around the inside corners will brighten your eyes and erase eye circles. You can also place a few dots along the brow line and along nose to brighten the complexion and give a youthful appearance. Say goodbye to tiny imperfections such as broken capillaries around the nose and cheeks, and get rid of any redness, blotchiness, or blemishes with a few dots of a good concealer.
2. Pinch-me cheeks: Ever seen someone who just has that youthful glow you can’t quite put your finger on? The secret to a fresh look is glowing skin and rosy cheeks. Blush is so important and often underrated in its ability to really highlight cheekbones, bring contour to your face, and really pull together your whole look.
How to get cheeky: Smile while putting on your blush. It won’t just boost your mood, it will also help you isolate the apples of your cheeks, which is the area where you should apply a light pink, natural-looking blush with a big makeup brush. Start at the apples and sweep upwards towards the temples, making sure to keep everything nicely blended along the hairline. I love In the Buff blush from Amazing Cosmetics, which is a trendy color for spring and really gives a rosy glow that looks super natural. Another trick is to put a few dots of AmazingConcealer, which I think is the best coverage concealer, under the eyes and near the cheeks to contrast the blush and to smooth out any blemishes to allow your cheek color to really pop.
3. Kiss-me lips: If you’re like me, you loved the red lip trend that made a come back recently, but you aren’t necessarily bold enough to try it in every day life. For spring especially, a natural, moisturized look is best (and much more kissable!). The idea isn’t to pile on lip liner and lipstick, but to get plump, full, moisturized lips by applying a simple gloss in a color that compliments your skin tone.
How to score the perfect pout: Begin by getting your lips in shape. No, this doesn’t involve exercise, but it does mean that you should make sure to exfoliate any dry skin around your lips and mouth before applying any type of moisturizing gloss or balm. A good trick is to gently rub a warm, wet wash cloth with a little bit of petroleum jelly on your lips in a circular motion. The petroleum jelly will be gentle on sensitive skin around your mouth, and the washcloth will slough off any chapped skin and leave your pucker tingly and looking plump! After prepping your pout, apply your favorite moisturizer or followed by a few dots of light concealer in the center of your lips. You might think that applying concealer to lips is strange, but it actually catches light and creates an even fuller lip (no lip injections necessary!). Finally, swipe on a sheer pink gloss and you are ready to break some hearts!

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